Moon Over Mammogram
Looped video projection, oil paint, canvas, beeswax, beehive cells, corn husks, lichen, newspaper, bubble wrap, cardboard, cloth, chicken wire, net, glue, mirrors, garters, fabric and elastic.
Dimensions variable
In Moon Over Mammogram, I explore the “scary feminine,” the beautiful ugly (jolie laide) attraction/repulsion society has to the female body. The fleshy fabric, elastic and garters create a large, buffoon-like, yet beautifully draped figurative presence, while the unidentifiable thing (is it cancer?) cradled there is ridiculously ugly and beautiful, projecting light from within. We hear the electronic sounds of science/medicine and the acoustic sounds of the natural/intuitive world mixing, as the installation embodies the irony and mystery that connects a typical contemporary experience -- getting a mammogram/fear of cancer -- with the powerful archetype of the female body.